Međunarodni dan prava na pristup informacijama
28.09.2017.Pravo na pristup informacijama je temelj borbe protiv korupcije. Kada su informacije dostupne i pregledne rizki od korupcije je manji, a transparentnost veća.
Danas smo ponovo zatražili informacije od Transparency Internationala iz Berlina zašto šute dvije godine i sa cjelokupnom javnošću ne podijele informacije o Hrvatskoj. Također istu razinu transparentnosti tražimo i od naših kolega u udrugama civilnog društva, a posebno onima koje se bave demokratizacijom i ljudskim pravima.
Dear Mr. Ugaz, President of the German Association known as Transparency International,
How can you advocate for the fight against corruption and the right to access to information around the world when at the same time, the association that you run denies such a right to information to others. Do not the same rules apply to Transparency International? Transparency International Croatia would like to know why you evaluated us on the basis of information that you gathered by secretly going around Croatia and meeting with individuals which in your own report you call “secret informants.“ Please explain why you sent forged and falsified documents to Croatian public authorities. Why did you lie?
Enough with manipulating the Corruption Perceptions Index, at least as far as Croatia is concerned. The results of that Index only serve to enable you to prevent investment so that you can simply dismiss all of the efforts that our society has made in the fight against corruption without being denounced by you.
Our society is not perfect and we know that we are not amongst the most transparent countries in the world but, Mr. Ugaz, Transparency International is the last association that would have the right to talk about “Croatia as the new face of corruption in Europe”.
Today, on International Right to Information Day, we again request the same information that you dare ask from others. We, in Croatia, do not need the kind of fight against corruption that Transparency International advocates.
Transparent greetings from Croatia!